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I'll be a doctor

If I could switch my career I would think to be doctor. Let explain three specialization I'd like to follow: surgery, general practitioner and gynecologist . I can image great is to be a doctor, because save lives is very very important.
As being a medical surgery I'll face a lot occurrences. such as: car accidents , motorcycle accidents, people who were shot and thinks like these. Sometimes surfing on the internet I come across with medical occurrences on youtube and these videos has impressed me in many times. Recently, I saw a video on what the person was underwent a lung surgery. The doctor cut skin's person to reach his lung, there he withdrew a kind of cancer where it seems like a lymphoma.
Finally, as being a gynecologist I'll find different types of problems but it'll be special because I'll treat them as they were my grandfather .



I' ll d Like to be a doctor Doctor
If I could switch my career I would think like to be a doctor. Let me explain the three specialization specializations I'd like to follow: surgery, general practitioner practice and gynecologist gynaecology [geriatrics???] . I can image imagine it would be great is to be a doctor, because save saving lives is very very important.
As being a In medical surgery I' ll d face a lot of occurrences . , such as: car accidents , motorcycle accidents, people who were 've been shot and thinks things like these. Sometimes , whilst surfing on the internet I come across with such medical occurrences on youtube YouTube and these videos has impressed impress me in many times greatly . Recently, I saw a video on what where the person was underwent a lung surgery. The doctor cut skin the person 's person skin to reach his lung, there then he withdrew removed a kind of cancer where , it seems seemed like a lymphoma.
Finally, as
being a gynecologist gynaecologist [geriatrician???] I' ll d find different types of problems , but it'll be special because I' ll d treat them as if they were my own grandfather .


I'm not certain whether you meant geriatrician, as gynaecologists definitely wouldn't be looking after anyone's grandfather! Gynaecology - treatment of women's reproductive organs. Geriatrics - the care and treatment of the elderly.
Many thanks . I appreciate your attention and consideration.