Write & Correct

Dream Career

If there is one thing that I could change in my life right now, I would choose to study medicine. Since I was a kid, my only dream is to become a doctor. But growing up, I realized that becoming one will cost us a fortune. In my country, education is expensive.



I can understand your dilemma mate. What you can do is buy medical books as many as possible and read them as much as you can. You might not become an official doctor but you will become our unofficial doctor . Regards 😊


Dream Career
If there is one thing that I could change in my life right now, I would choose to study medicine. Since ( I was a kid ) [childhood] , my only dream is was to become a doctor. But growing up, I realized that becoming one will cost us a fortune. In my country, education is expensive.
Dream Career
If there is one thing that I could would change in my life right now , I would choose to study medicine. Since I was a kid, my only dream is was to become a doctor . But but growing up , I realized that becoming one will would cost us a fortune. In my country , education is expensive.
Dream Career
If there is one thing that I could change in my life right now, I would choose to study medicine. Since I was a kid, my only dream is to become a doctor. But growing up, I realized that becoming one will cost us me a fortune. In my country, education is expensive.