Write & Correct

Cara de Mau Pizzeria

Yesterday I'm went at Cara de Mau, imagine a place where the people who serve you are dressed like pirates and the pizzas has a lot of flavors. They hit on the table, calls you as a flea and that remind me an old middle age tavern.

The experience was amazing, further that I made a new pirate friends there.



Cara de Mau Pizzeria
Yesterday I 'm went at to Cara de Mau , imagine . Imagine a place where the people who serve you are dressed like pirates and the pizzas has have a lot of flavors. They hit on come to the table, calls you as a flea call out your name, and that remind me it reminds you of an old middle age medieval tavern.

The experience was amazing,
further and happy that I made a new pirate friends there.


Thanks, the pirates there call out my name as a flea.
Cara de Mau Pizzeria
Yesterday I 'm went at to Cara de Mau , imagine pizzeria. Imagine a place where the people who serve you are dressed like pirates and the pizzas has a lot of flavors come in many varieties . They hit bang on the table, calls and call you as a flea and that remind not fit to burn! All this reminds me of an old middle age tavern.

The experience was amazing,
further that plus I made a new few pirate friends there.


Thanks again, but the table part they hit on the table with his hands and foots.
They bang on the table - (hands) to make noise and frighten people for example. They kick the table - (feet) if they are standing on the floor. They stamp on the table (feet) if they are standing on the tabletop. To hit the table - would suggest anger\frustration with the table more like a punch, or something was dropped onto the table or bumped into it. To "hit on" the table = to chat up the table romantically? Which I am sure the pirates weren't doing!? Hope this helps.